Control your bill

Mastering your energy and environmental bill
is a critical challenge for your company. Discover our
solutions to reduce your expenses while increasing
the performance of your industrial sites.

Why control
your bill?

Recent events show us that energy prices and many resources can soar in a matter of months. In an increasingly uncertain future, it is crucial to manage your energy, water, and raw material bills. Dametis offers solutions to reduce your bill and keep control of your budget.

On a collective scale, it is in our best interest to reduce our environmental footprint in order to preserve these resources for our current and future generations.

Why take the plunge?


Track your expenses and understand every detail of your invoice.


Reduce your bills
and reinvest the savings elsewhere.


Build a trusting relationship with your energy suppliers.

How to master your bill?

To master your energy and
environmental bill, Dametis accompanies you
through 4 improvement axes:
Make smart energy purchases
Resell your carbon quotas

Reduce Your Water Consumption

Reduce your material losses

smart energy

If you want to master your bill, you must make energy purchases adapted to your actual needs.

To do this, we analyze your energy consumption and compare it to an ideal reference for each business at your sites: this is what we call the Attainable Energy Minimum.

Then, we implement corrective actions to improve the energy efficiency of your industrial sites.

Finally, our MyDametis platform allows you to visualize your energy consumption clearly and accurately. From there, you can make informed energy purchases and renegotiate your supplier contract.

energy consumption
carbon offsetting

Sell your
carbon quotas

The carbon market aims to limit greenhouse gas emissions by allocating emission allowances to each industrial installation.

If an installation emits greenhouse gases beyond its allocated quota, it must purchase additional allowances.

Conversely, if you emit less than your quota, you can sell your allowances on the carbon market. You can also save your allowances to use or sell them later.

Dametis supports you in decarbonizing your production processes: an opportunity to make significant savings on your energy bill.

Reduce your
water consumption

For complete control over your bill, you must monitor and reduce your water consumption.

This is especially important as drought periods become more frequent, even in France. As a result, access to water may be restricted for industries, in favor of local populations.

This is a double reason to control your water bill! Dametis is by your side to save water on your industrial sites.

Furthermore, water consumption involves other costs related to water treatment: at the plant entrance, for steam production, and for cooling towers. Finally, products for the purification station also represent a budget.

electricity and gas prices
material loss reduction

Reduce your
material loss

To reduce your environmental footprint, you can also focus on reducing material losses.

By producing more with the same amount of raw materials, you decrease production costs and increase the profitability of your industrial sites.

But that’s not all: you also avoid the additional costs associated with collecting and processing waste from these material losses.

Control your bill,
shall we begin?

sales director
Reducing your environmental footprint starts with a first step. Schedule a call with a business expert to discuss resource consumption issues at your industrial sites.


They chose Dametis

Our energy bills were getting higher and higher. And for an industrial site like ours, it is crucial to control daily consumption. Dametis therefore installed a new cold production system with heat recovery. This allows us to heat our buildings in winter. Today, we are making significant savings that we can reinvest in our R&D department.

Administrative and Financial Manager
Packaging Industry for Cosmetics

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