White Papers: A complete guide to environmental transition in industry

Discover our White Papers written by Dametis experts in collaboration with industry specialists.

Access exclusive resources on Energy Transition for Industry, with in-depth analysis, expert advice and concrete solutions for successful decarbonization.

Download our White Papers now and propel your industry towards a sustainable energy future.

White Paper n°1: Get the keys to guide you towards Industry 4.0

Today, decarbonizing industry is a major challenge, for economic, geopolitical and environmental reasons. Energy renovation, use of renewable energies… what can be done to achieve this? How can manufacturers be supported today?

To help you in this transition, we’ve written the Dametis White Paper, in 3 chapters, so that you get the keys to guide you towards Industry 4.0!

White Paper 2: From energy performance to environmental performance

Today’s industries are faced with a complex challenge: how to boost their business and optimize their competitiveness while taking environmental imperatives into account?

Industrial processes are energy-intensive, since they consume a great deal of steam, compressed gas and refrigeration. The question of industrial energy performance is therefore crucial if the sector is to make a success of its energy transition.

Energy performance is now a prerequisite. It’s high time we went a step further and talked about environmental performance.
We give you all the steps and tools you need to succeed in your environmental performance.

Improving your environmental
performance – can we get started?

Improving your environmental
performance begins with
a first brick. Schedule a call with a
business expert to discuss your
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